"Your invasion violated the rules of Mortal Kombat. Just then, Raide, the thunder god, shows up. We begin with Quan Chi and Shao Kahn talking to one another. We'll be covering both sides at the same time because they take place in the same time and space.

Now you start off by choosing the MK side OR the DC side. So this game has a story mode, and I'll be telling you everything about what happens. The last time DC characters were in a fighting game, as far as I remember, is "Justice League: Task Force" for the SNES and Sega Genesis. In 2008, Midway games tried their hand at making a game for the PS3 and XBOX 360 where their Mortal Kombat characters team up to take on DC Comics characters. Also, battle scenes are cut out for whatever reason. NOTE: The game is non-canon to Mortal Kombat and Jimmy Palmiotti describes it as an "ultimate Elseworlds" DC scenario.